Housing Assistance in Arizona
Finding a safe environment to call home can be challenging and yet it is a basic need. Low-income earners, particularly single mothers, have various programs that have been developed to assist them and their families to find a safe and secure environment to stay.
Statewide Housing Assistance
Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) is an organization that offers statewide housing assistance. Their programs assist families and individuals to attain self-sufficiency by offering affordable housing and many other services. The organization owns and manages for-profit subsidiaries, whose income enables them to fund its nonprofit charitable initiatives. They assist low-income families including single mothers faced with a need:
- due to homelessness
- for rental assistance
- for homeownership assistance
- for utility assistance
Emergency Housing Assistance
The Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS) supports the homeless by providing shelter. Their support model is effective for families and individuals because they offer other services that include case management and help with employment to assist in obtaining permanent housing. Its mission is to inhibit and end homelessness experienced by families and individuals while advancing compassionate community solutions. https://www.cassaz.org/
Low-income Housing Assistance
The Human Services Campus Inc. operates and works together with partner-tenants to offer services to end homelessness. This organization offers each client a housing plan which can either be an initial short or long-term plan that will assist to avoid homelessness. The organization also offers resources, and services to assist in resolving homelessness. They connect clients to suitable services that include shelter, housing, and more. https://hsc-az.org/
Arizona Housing, Inc. works on ending homelessness, helping individuals to attain true self-sufficiency by offering quality affordable housing together with comprehensive social services. https://www.azhousinginc.org/
The Housing Opportunity Center (HOC) is a non-profit organization that offers housing opportunities for lower-income families residing in Phoenix, Arizona. The organization is connected with numerous housing options that are safe, and convenient for families. They also provide information for clearing a house and resources to assist those seeking other affordable housing options. http://www.housingopportunitycenter.com/abbey/
A non-profit organization known as Housing for Hope strives is to offer housing options that are safe, and affordable for low-income families in the community. The organization’s partnerships with private developers and State, County, and City supporters make it possible for them to provide the service of affordable housing. https://housingforhopeaz.org/about-us
Rent Assistance
New Leaf Rapid Rehousing is a short term rental assistance program and when coupled with Housing Case Management, families and individuals are more likely to maintain their housing long term. The program helps families with locating affordable apartments, and understanding their rights and responsibilities as a tenant, and more. https://www.turnanewleaf.org/services/affordable-housing.html
Eviction Prevention and Legal Assistance
A non-profit law firm known as Community Legal Services is dedicated to improving legitimacy in the system of civil justice by advocating, litigating, and educating the community. The organization helps low-income Arizonans acquire safe, decent housing. They empower future and current homeowners and tenants through education, brief service, legal representation, and community partnerships. https://clsaz.org/legal-practice-areas/housing-law/
Charities and Churches Housing Assistance
La Mesa Ministries is a faith-based organization that offers housing assistance. They assign a housing navigator to assist in finding safe and affordable and housing. The navigator will work closely with authorities, landlords, and organizations to find the ideal housing option for the family or individual. They will help with all the paperwork required which includes; help with completing the application forms, help in gathering all the documentation required, and ensuring that the applicant is pre-qualified. Once the family receives the keys, a Housing Counselor will make sure they have everything they require to move in. Assistance with moving, as well as, furniture, bedding, or kitchen and bath items, is available upon request. They will assist in understanding the property’s rules and regulations. https://www.lamesaministries.org/housing
Homeless Shelter Help – Prevention Homelessness (Transitional Housing)
The UMOM New Day Centers provide shelter services among other vital services. The center customizes the services and programs according to the needs of each family or individual registered with them. At the organization’s campus, a private room is given to each family. The case managers provided by the organization guide families to craft an individual housing plan and develop a strategy unique to them; to allow them to overcome challenges that led to them facing homelessness. The campus has a wellness clinic licensed to help children and young adults to stay in good health and school. https://umom.org/shelter/
A shelter known as Maggie’s Place helps parenting and pregnant women together with their children to reside in a safe community. The shelter offers programs as well as services to assist them to become self-sufficient. Women are welcomed into the homes during their pregnancy and for up to a year after giving birth. They pair each woman with a family counselor to offer guidance in the crafting of customized life plans that will be instrumental in helping the women to achieve independence for themselves and their children. https://www.maggiesplace.org/in-need-of-shelter/
Homeowner/Buyer Grants Assistance
An organization known as Housing Solutions of Northern Arizona offers homeowner assistance to the community. They combine pre-purchase counseling with financial assistance (down payment or match savings programs) to assist qualifying, low-income, first-time homebuyers during the homeownership process. Housing Solutions is a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) authorized housing counseling agency and their Housing Counselors are trained and certified through NeighborWorks. They provide confidential, one-on-one assistance to help families in northern Arizona to prepare for homeownership and navigate the challenging purchase process. https://www.housingnaz.org/pre-purchase-assistance
Home Improvement Grants
Glendale Arizona offers homeowners the opportunity to rehabilitate their homes. The grant caters for the following type of repairs: painting, electrical, roof repair or replacement, plumbing, or mechanical repairs to existing systems. The projects are financed by offering the homeowner a forgivable or deferred loan. This means a part of the loan is forgiven every year; therefore, after the determined period, the entire loan would be forgiven. The condition is that the applicant must remain in the home for the term of the loan. If the applicant sells or rents the home before the loan term is up, the remaining portion of the loan must be paid back to the City of Glendale. https://www.glendaleaz.com/live/city_services/citizen_assistance_programs/home_repairs/home_rehabilitation_program
The State of Arizona has several housing resources to assist single mothers in finding a home and as well as making their housing as safe and comfortable as possible. Other housing assistance resources that are available in the state but not covered in this article are highlighted in the links below.