Grants for Single Mothers in Mississippi
Mississippi State has more than 620000 single parents and low-income earners with a poverty rate as high as 21%. Single mothers living in Mississippi are provided with various grants and services as in other states to ease the burden of single-parenting.
Below are details of support and financial options available for single mothers in Mississippi.
Head Start Association
The Mississippi Head Start Association is established to provide a wide range of child-centered services like; education and early child development, medical, mental and dental health, child nutrition and family empowerment for single mothers and low-income earners living in the state of Mississippi. Single moms in Mississippi can benefit from various financial aids programs available at MHSA by reaching them via
Public Housing Program
Single Moms in Mississippi can benefit from the public housing program by applying for open houses or apartments in Mississippi. Single mothers can apply through the local housing authorities in their areas, and they must be single mothers earning below the Federal Poverty Level.
Single mothers can also benefit from the Housing Choice Voucher Program, which is also administered by public housing authorities. Single mothers can have access to 75% of their rent through the Housing Choice Voucher Program.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
TANF program is aimed at providing financial aid for low-income families with children below the age of 18 to meet their daily needs. The amount provided is based on the size and income of the family. Low-income single mothers can contact TANF via
Mississippi Department of Employment Security
MDES provides weekly unemployment benefits to the unemployed, including single mothers. They also assist in the job search. Single mothers have to continue looking for a job to qualify them for MDES employment benefit. Single mothers can benefit by registering with MDES via
School Feeding Program
The Mississippi School Breakfast and Lunch Program provides breakfast and lunch to children of low-income earners and single mothers for free or at a meager rate. Children of single mothers benefiting from the TANF program benefit automatically from the school feeding program. Single mothers can directly contact the school to find out more about the Mississippi school feeding program or check their website:
The Mississippi Medicaid program provides medical health insurance coverage for single mothers in Mississippi. Health coverage includes the following: Consultation, lab tests, and x-rays, hospital care, eye, mental and dental care, MRI, treatments, etc.
Single mothers are eligible based on their income and family size. Also, not all the services are under complete coverage. Single mothers can learn more by calling 800-421-2408 or by visiting Medicaid’s website.
Legal Services Organization
The Mississippi Legal Services organization provides legal assistance to single mothers and low-income earners facing foreclosure, domestic abuse, legal rights issue, Bankruptcy, etc. Single mothers can learn more by visiting
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP provides subsidies for single moms and low-income earners to pay for energy utility bills. The amount paid as the subsidy is dependent on the income and family size. To benefit from LIHEAP, single moms can visit Mississippi LIHEAP’s site
Education Grants
Single moms can benefit from education grants and scholarships to help them pay for their education. They can access up to $6000 as education grants or scholarship. Interested applicants can visit to apply.
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
CHIP is available for children up to the age of 19 who do not qualify for any of the Medicaid’s plan. CHIP covers all of the services covered by Medicaid. Single moms under low income can benefit from CHIP by registering with CHIP via
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP provides feeding assistance to low-income earners and single mothers in Mississippi. Support is provided through the Mississippi EBT Card loaded with funds, similar to a debit card. Interested single moms can find out more from
Mississippi Social Services
The Salvation Army offers assistance to single moms in the form of housing, food, utility bill help, education and skill acquisitions, etc. These programs are also available to low-income earners.
Lifeline and Link-up
Telephone customers and single moms in Mississippi can benefit from $15 monthly discount on phone bills. Also, beneficiaries are exempted from the monthly Universal Service Fund Charge. For more information, call 601-961-5414.
Mississippi Smart Solution Program
The Mississippi Smart Solution Programs is a program that offers up to 4% payment assistance for single moms planning to own a home. The program also ensures that single mothers benefit from low mortgage interest rates and tax reduction to enable them to buy their first home in Mississippi.