Grants for Single Mothers in Oklahoma
It is no doubt that the harsh economic conditions have affected millions of families in the United States and Oklahoma was not spared from that. This is one of the reasons that the State of Oklahoma Government is providing many programs to assist single mothers who are experiencing financial difficulties. These programs include child health care, housing, financial assistance, food assistance, and so on. Some of the programs are geared towards making single mothers self-sufficient, that way they will be able to comfortably provide for their household. Below, those programs are listed as:
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
This program is designed to benefit working families, and it is seen as a “little sister” to the federal EITC. A taxpayer who qualifies for the Federal Credit is automatically integrated into Oklahoma earned income tax credit program which also equals 5% of that same amount you are meant to pay on IRS returns; but once upon a time, the EITC was a non-refundable assistance program. Those qualified taxpayers are meant to claim these credits in order to offset taxes they owe, but won’t be able to claim cash refund beyond their tax liabilities. Click here to apply.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
This is another program that was designed to assist families who have children under the age of 18. From the way this program was designed, families with three kids are meant to receive $292 on a monthly basis. The major reason for this program is to temporarily assist the needy families and also make parents independent by encouraging the efforts they put in searching for a job. Qualified individuals must have to engage in some work-related activities for a particular number of hours in a week. Interested individuals should apply by completing the “Request for Benefits” (08M P001) form and submit to the nearest DHS human service center, or call 1-866-411-1877 for further inquiry and assistance.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
The program is meant to provide individuals and families who are residents of Oklahoma with health nutrition diets to minimize their cost of feeding. In Oklahoma, this program is meant to benefit more than 600,000 children, and what each qualified family gets depends on the size of its household, income and availability of funds meant for the program. Qualified families are to receive their benefits using the “Access Oklahoma Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. Interested parties should apply for this program at any of the DHS offices, or apply using their online portal.
Oklahoma SoonerCare
This is a state-funded medical assistance program; it ensures that each qualified applicant gets both basic and long-term healthcare services once they are found eligible. Also included in this program are children under 19 years of age and pregnant women who are uninsured. The Oklahoma “SoonerCare” is free for all Oklahoma residents that fit into the state’s income guideline, though a “co-pay” may be necessary depending on the service you are requesting for. Prospective applicants should please note that the program is not expanding the coverage, therefore eligibility of this program available only to disabled individuals, and parents whose income are below 39% FPL, and 133% FPL for pregnant women. Click here to apply.
Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
The CCAP program is specially designed for children under the age of 13 or up to the age of 18 (for disabled children) whose parents are either in school or working. To qualify for this, there are a few things to be considered before one is termed qualified for the program, some of them include the size of the family, number of children in the family, and the amount of income they earn. According to the program’s conditions, families that earn approximately $2,425 per month or lesser with at least a child in their care, or families who earn up to $3,625 with more than three children are automatically qualified for this program. Click to apply.
Pre-kindergarten (Pre-k) Program
This is a children-oriented program, it is meant to target children not younger than 4 years, and attending a school within the state. This program has to do with providing voluntary services to pre-kindergarten pupils in schools. To participate in this program call any of your local elementary school for more information. Click here for more information on the Pre-K program.
Section 8 and Housing Choice Voucher Program
This housing program is funded by the federal government to assist low-income families with their rents and utilities as well. Families who are eligible qualify for this program will have part of their house rent paid every month. Those who qualify for this program are given a housing Choice Voucher to enable then rent any house of their choice. Click here to apply.